Guides to Counseling Careers & Other Resources

Within the counseling profession, there is a need for comprehensive and authoritative resources. These guides help current and prospective counselors find scholarships, loan forgiveness programs, and other types of support in these growing careers.

Memory Basics: Encoding, Storage, and Retrieval

Calendar Icon 06/27/23 Laura Freberg, PhD

We all think we know a great deal about memory and have decent study skills. While that might be true, we can always do better. Cognitive science provides insights about where we can make the learning process easier and more efficient.

What is the Interstate Counseling Compact?

Calendar Icon 06/22/23 Rachel Drummond, MEd

The Interstate Counseling Compact is an ideal solution to one of the most pressing issues in mental healthcare today: access. By introducing a new agreement that enables licensed counselors (LPCs) and their clients to remain connected across state lines, this groundbreaking development eliminates the hindrances brought about by out-of-state moves, such as disrupted patient/therapist relationships and time pressures for counselors facing financial losses due to slow transitions.

Indigenous Healing Techniques and Counseling

Calendar Icon 05/26/23 Matt Zbrog

Through a long history of colonization, Western society’s Eurocentric views have excluded not only individuals and cultures but entire modes of thought. That myopia has hindered the efficacy and reach of counseling and psychotherapy. Fortunately, it’s starting to change.

Instilling Hope in Your Clients

Calendar Icon 05/09/23 Lisa Hutchison, LMHC

When clients show up for therapy, they often have exhausted all other resources, such as Internet searches, self-help videos, books, and other people’s advice. They may feel drained and unsure if therapy can help them.

LGBTQ+ Family Dynamics in Therapy

Calendar Icon 05/03/23 Alex Stitt, LMHC

LGBTQ+ clients can face some unique challenges in family therapy, especially when it comes to disclosing their sexuality or gender identity, setting boundaries with intolerant family members, and helping those in their life accept who they are.

How to Stay Motivated in the Field of Counseling

Calendar Icon 04/25/23 Lisa Hutchison, LMHC

A lack of motivation can be caused by a variety of sources. Some of these include stress, change, or an underlying mental health or physical condition. Other times, a lack of motivation can be a signal to make important changes in your career and lifestyle.

What is Ethical Non-monogamy? Power, Prioritization, and Fidelity

Calendar Icon 04/17/23 Alex Stitt, LMHC

Ethical non-monogamy, also called consensual non-monogamy, is an umbrella term for all the safe and consenting relationships beyond monogamy. This includes a spectrum of polysexual relationships with more than one sexual partner, and polyamorous relationships, which have more than one romantic partner.

Challenges in School Counseling: Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)

Calendar Icon 03/23/23 Matt Zbrog

Broadly speaking, social-emotional learning (SEL) is the process of developing a learner’s social and emotional skills with the same level of focus as shown to other core subjects like reading, math, and science.

Reexamining the Monoamine Hypothesis of Depression – What “Chemical Imbalance” Theories Miss

Calendar Icon 02/09/23 Laura Freberg, PhD

It is time to reject the monoamine hypothesis of depression once and for all. Alternate hypotheses focusing on stress, the gut-brain axis, inflammation, and cortisol activity might bring us closer to the truth and set the stage for more effective treatments for depression.

Guide to Life Transitions Counseling Careers & Schooling

Calendar Icon 02/08/23 Matt Zbrog

Whether it’s studied as part of a broader foundational degree, or through a specialized certificate program, life transitions counseling is an important skill for anyone working in mental health, but some careers focus on it more specifically.